BS-4-38 An Advanced Resource Balance-based Link-disjoint Routing in Translucent WDM Optical Networks(BS-4. Network Design, Management and Control for Future Networked Systems)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2011-02-28
XU Sugang
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Wang Xin
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University
Xu Sugang
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University
Tanaka Y
Department Of Pediatric Surgery Kurume University School Of Medicine
Tanaka Yoshiaki
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University:research Institute For Science
Tanaka Yoshiaki
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University:advanced Research Institute For
Tanaka Yoshiaki
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University:research Institute For Science
Chap Tithra
Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Waseda University
Chap Tithra
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University
Tanaka Yoshiaki
Global Information And Telecommunication Institute Waseda University
Xu Sugang
National Inst. Information And Communications Technol. Tokyo Jpn
XU Sugang
Global Information and Telecommunication Institute, Waseda University
Wang Xin
Global information and Teleco mmunication Institute Was eda University
- Wavelength multicasting among restricted users in AWG-based WDM PON access network (ネットワークシステム)
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- BS-3-20 Transparency Island-based 3R Regenerator Sparse Allocation Strategy Considering Optical Protection in Translucent Network
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- A flexible alternative link-disjoint routing in translucent WDM optical networks (ネットワークシステム)
- Exploiting User Mobility for Load Balancing and Improving QoS in Wireless LANs (コミュニケーションクオリティ)
- BS-3-8 Forward Contract to Solve Demand and Revenue Uncertainty Problem in Network Congestion Management(BS-3. Management and Control Technologies for Innovative Networks)
- Performance of Sparse Wavelength Convertible 3R Regenerator Placement in Translucent Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (ネットワークシステム)
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- Toward Distributed Translucent Wavelength Switched Optical Networks under GMPLS/PCE Architecture
- A Game Theoretic Framework for Bandwidth Allocation and Pricing in Federated Wireless Networks
- BS-3-32 Challenges in the Design of Mixed Line Rate Wavelength Switched Optical Networks(BS-3. Management and Control Technologies for Innovative Networks)
- BS-3-31 Wavelength Convertible 3R Regenerator Placement in Translucent Wavelength Switched Optical Networks(BS-3. Management and Control Technologies for Innovative Networks)
- Toward Distributed Translucent Wavelength Switched Optical Networks under GMPLS/PCE Architecture
- A Game Theoretic Framework for Bandwidth Allocation and Pricing in Federated Wireless Networks
- Exploiting User Mobility for Load Balancing and Improving QoS in Wireless LANs
- Performance of Sparse Wavelength Convertible 3R Regenerator Placement in Translucent Wavelength Switched Optical Networks
- BS-5-44 Performance Comparison among 3 Types of 3R Regenerator with Different Wavelength Convertibility in WDM Networks(BS-5. Network and Service Design, Control and Management)
- BS-5-3 Time-Dependent Pricing for Revenue Maximization(BS-5. Network and Service Design, Control and Management)
- BS-5-46 A Physical Impairment-Aware RWA Scheme for Mixed-Line-Rate Wavelength Switched Optical Networks(BS-5. Network and Service Design, Control and Management)
- BS-5-26 Analysis of Combined Connection Admission Control and Pricing in Wireless LANs(BS-5. Network and Service Design, Control and Management)
- Multi-Stage Non-cooperative Game for Pricing and Connection Admission Control in Wireless Local Area Networks
- An Incentive-Compatible Load Distribution Approach for Wireless Local Area Networks with Usage-Based Pricing
- Sparse Placement of Wavelength Convertible 3R Regenerators and Joint Resource Assignment in Large-Scale Optical Networks
- Duopoly Competition in Time-Dependent Pricing for Improving Revenue of Network Service Providers
- BS-7-42 Price Competition between Content Provider and Internet Service Provider
- BS-7-33 Dynamic Grooming Routing and Resource Assignment in Translucent 10/40/100Gbps Mixed Line Rate WDM Networks
- BS-1-54 ATime-Dependent Pricing Scheme in Stochastic Environment
- BS-7-34 Traffic Grooming in Wavelength Switched Optical Networks with Mixed Line Rates
- BS-1-47 Ofline lmpairment-Aware RWA and Regenerator Placement in Optical Networks with Mixed Line Rates
- BS-7-30 A Dynamic Allocation Algorithm for Achieving the Fair Uplink Bandwidth and Effective Distribution in Fibre-Wireless Networks