滞米経験と帰国後の再適応の関連性 : バイリンガリズムに関する一研究(第2言語習得論・英語学力論)
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This paper examines the relationship between Japanese children's bilingual experience in the United States and the process of readjustment to schooling after their return to Japan. To clarify the language status in a bilingual environment, James Cummins' distinction between BICS(Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills) and CALP (Cognitive /Academic Language Proficiency) was used for the two languages involved, i. e., home language (L1) to be maintained, and host language (L2) to be acquired. The subjects chosen were Japanese returnee children from the United States with at least oneyear experience in an American local school. Their parents were asked to respond to the questionnaire regarding maintenance of communication skills in L1 (BICS L1), maintenance of schooling in L1 (CALP L1), acquisition of communication skills in L2 (BICS L2), adjustment to schooling in L2 (CALP L2) in a host country, and the educational readjustment process in their home country. Correlational studies were conducted on the data collected for long-stayers and short-stayers respectively. The results suggest that : (1) there are no direct relationships between the maintenance of BICS L1 and /or CALP L1 and the readjustment process, (2) level of CALP L2 attained is a contributing factor to successful readjustment, and (3) a combination of CALP L2 and BICS L1 seems to be a multiple factor contributing to successful readjustment particularly for longstayers.
- 全国英語教育学会の論文