周連星円盤からの降着流 : 主星と伴星のどちらに落ちるか?(宇宙・惑星(3),一般講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
We investigate numerically a formation process of a binary system embedded in a rotating circum-binary gas cloud. The problem is if the in-falling gas is accreted preferentially either by a more massive primary star or a less massive secondary star. There are two schools, which conclude completely opposite. By using smoothed particle hydrodynamic method (SPH) Bate and Bonnell (1997) conclude that gas is accreted preferentially by the secondary, while Ochi, Sugimoto and Hanawa (2005) insist that gas is mainly accreted by the primary by using two-dimensional finite difference code. Ochi et al. argue that large numerical viscosity of the SPH induces spurious accretion towards the secondary. In the present paper we investigate the problem by using the molecular hydrodynamic method (MH) invented and developed by the present authors. We conclude that both of them are correct within their own assumptions and numerical setups. We point out that the gravity softening introduced by Ochi et al. is mainly responsible for a larger mass accretion to the primary. Higher temperature of gas assumed by Ochi et al. also tends to increase mass accretion rate to the primary.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2008-09-04
松田 卓也
松田 卓也
猪坂 弘
松田 卓也
猪坂 弘
猪坂 弘
村田 浩也
村田 浩也
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