AM06-06-006 Benney方程式の定常進行波解と分岐列(流体数理(2),一般講演)
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Under periodic conditions, we integrated the Benney equation numerically and, at δ=0.704, we obtained 34 stationary solutions corresponding to stable periodic waves. They include solutions with extraordinary long flat tails. To understand the origin of the long tailed solutions, bifurcation analyses have been carried out assuming that the solutions are steady and periodic in a moving frame. More than 200 solutions were obtained as the stationary periodic waves. The long tailed solutions are found to bifurcate off the solution branch of the solitary wave.
- 日本流体力学会の論文
- 2006-09-05
- 矩形流路内の熱対流におけるカスプカタストロフィー
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