初年度の保育要録活用の現状と幼保小連携 : 札幌市内全小学校への調査から
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With revisions to the childcare center guidelines, childcare centers are now obliged to send children's nursery records, as "documents to support child-rearing", to elementary schools. The first year of this new procedure has now concluded; therefore, I contacted 1^<st> grade teachers at 208 elementary schools in Sapporo City to investigate these student records. As a results, about 60% of teachers considered the nursery records served as a reference, and about 70% judged that the records were clearly written by the childcare staff. However, among those who had read, only 10% read thoroughly, and about 80% referred partly about children for whom they had some concerns. In addition, 40% thought that ""matters on which guidance was considered necessary" was useful information. However, there were many requests for more information on "matters for which difficulties are expected with children" and on "matters not easily discussed". Teachers also expressed such hope as the following: (1)having direct interviews with childcare staff, (2)receiving nursery records at appropriate time and contents to make good use to group classes, and (3)standardizing the form of nursery records between childcare centers, kindergartens, and other institutions. Overall, the problems of more useful contents of nursery records brought into clear focus.
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