弾性体の微小変位特性(第1報) -接線力と変位の指標化の試みに関する基礎的研究-
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In this paper, the pre-slip behaviour was investigated using three different hardness of rubber material and three kinds of rubber material subjected to tangential loading prior to gross slippage. A special-purpose rig was constructed for this research. The results of this study showed the following: A change of the vertical displacement is linked with a change of the tangential displacement. The characterization for angential displacement and tangential force can be indicated three parameters of angular stiffness that means the stiffness at the start of increasing tangential force, peak static friction force and critical displacement at beginning of gross slippage.Thickening and thinning of the rubber specimen during sliding depend shows stickslip behaviour. area at the initial stage has an influence on the deformation of holes.
- 弓削商船高等専門学校の論文
- 2007-02-28
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