21世紀「望ましい地球社会」へ向けての学問 : 「国際学」の役割
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The author considers it important for present-day social scientists to offer a theoretical schema as tohow to create a "Desirable Global Society" of the 21st Century, as it is important for the principal decision-makers of the world (G8 and international organizations as UN, etc.) to present concrete solutionswith long-standing views to cope with the increasing global problems of today. In the academic field,however, where the analyses of the changing actual world situations of various aspects dominate, it israre to find a work that gives perspective for the creation of a "Desirable Global Society" of the 21st Century.The author, in the new discipline of Transnational Sociology, has hitherto been elaborating formore than ten years an integrating design for approaching this "Desirable Global Society." One resultas an example can be illustrated in his visual model of an Ideal Type of a modern man' s attitude vis-à-visthe society in order to form a bridge between a modern individual and "the Global Society". A personmay, at one time, offer willingly various services to the society which presents itself in various formsaround him or her, such as a family, a local community, a national society, a grand-region as EU, and aGlobal Society). At another time, he or she may devote himself or herself to his (her) own personal pleasurefor relaxation as well as enjoyment. This model is based upon the idea of combining the altruisticand individualistic tendencies of a modern person represented in his (her) social attitude. The author,after showing a rough sketch of the author's tentative theoretical outline (including the above-mentionedmodel), feels it important for present-day social scientists, especially in the domain of internationalstudies, to explore together the next step. This, according to the author, may reside in a study of thefuture possibilities of the varying relationships between "the existing system" and "the counter system"as well as in the study of efforts done by the both systems to approach a "Desirable Global Society".
- 2011-03-15
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- 21世紀「望ましい地球社会」へ向けての学問 : 「国際学」の役割
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- 国際社会学の試み(6)21世紀初頭における「国際社会学」関連文献の考察--グローバル化する世界への問題意識と対応--国際社会学の体系化へのヒント
- 国際社会学の試み(5)21世紀の望ましい地球社会を目指して--人類共生のための思想上の模索(1970年代〜1990年代)
- 国際社会学の試み(5)21世紀の望ましい地球社会を目指して--人類共生のための思想上の模索(1970年代〜1990年代)
- 国際社会学の試みIV個人と複数社会との望ましい関係の模索 : 複数共同体志向・個人主義志向に関するモデル
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