公文 公による「公文式」創造からグローバル「KUMON」への教育におけるブレークスルー : 読書の再発見とちょうどの追求
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It is well known that the Kumon Method of education, which has attracted keen attention worldwide, has experienced two breakthroughs and has undergone continuous innovation. The first breakthrough produced the Kumon Method as a result of Toru Kumon's home training of his son, while the second breakthrough led to global expansion of the Kumon Method. The materials presented in this paper cover all of the discourses of the founder, Toku Kumon, for the period between 1954 and 1995. In addition to these materials, I have used the results of objective research conducted in four different fields (total quality control, history of modern education, cognitive psychology, business administration). Strategic innovation in the Kumon Method was ignited by the rediscovery of reading and was driven by the engine of a "just right" point.
- 2011-03-30
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- 公文 公による「公文式」創造からグローバル「KUMON」への教育におけるブレークスルー : 読書の再発見とちょうどの追求
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