〈特集〉東南アジアを超えて:ベトナム= 韓国関係再考-歴史的・地域的視点から
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After political democratization in South Korea and the Doi Moi reforms of Vietnam started and proceededconcomitantly from the late 1980s, South Korea and Vietnam formally resumed diplomatic relations in1992, and have been rapidly strengthening their political, economic, as well as cultural ties ever since then.This special issue will look into various aspects of relations between South Korea and Vietnam from bothcontemporary and historical perspectives; by doing so, it intends to cast a new light on the complex layersof dynamism in East and Southeast Asian regions from a perspective that may not be reduced solely toChina and U.S. contexts. Moreover, three of the articles included in this issue were presented at a jointsymposiumtitled "Interdependency of Korea, Japan and Southeast Asia: Migration, Investment andCultural Flow," organized by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University and the KoreanAssociation of Southeast Asian Studies, and held at Gyeongsang National University, Jinju City, in June2009. Considering the growing interest in Southeast Asian Studies in South Korea, we hope that this issuewill contribute to further collaboration between Korean, Japanese and Southeast Asian scholars workingin the field of Southeast Asian Studies.
- 2010-12-31
小泉 順子
伊藤 正子
伊藤 正子
小泉 順子/伊藤
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