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This report, conducting an analysis of tactics to decide the game from the perspective of shots focusing on 4 games with Hungary, Spain, Congo, and China of 5 games the Japanese team had in World Women's Handball Championship in 2007, aimed to study characteristics of the Japanese team and other country's team from the objective data. The results are shown below. 1. As for the number of shots by cut-ins and cross shots, the average number of opponents was significantly more than one of the Japanese team. As for the long distance shots, the number of Japanese team was significantly more than the average one of opponents. 2. As for the number of goals by cut-ins and cross shots, the average number of opponents was significantly more than one of the Japanese team. As for the goals by long distance shots, the number of Japanese team was significantly more than the average one of opponents. 3. It was indicated that it's important to lift the success rate of shots to more than 55% for the Japanese team to achieve good results. 4. As for the shot and goal occupancy by cut-ins and cross shots, the average occupancy of opponents was significantly more than one of the Japanese team. As for the long distance shots, the occupancy of Japanese team was significantly more than the average one of opponents. 5. These results suggested the difference between the Japanese team and opponents in the offence tactics. 6. The whole result of shots suggested that it needs a new defense system for the Japanese team.
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