ヘルスケア領域における専門職間連携 : ソーシャルワークの視点からの理論的整理
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Interprofessional (interdisciplinary) collaboration (IC) is becoming increasingly important to provide high quality of care (quality effectiveness) and to decrease the health care cost (cost effectiveness). However, the concept has been variously and vaguely defined, and confused with other terms such as network and teamwork. This article articulates the definition, models and evaluations of IC by reviewing the literatures on IC in mainly U. S. A. and U. K. The four forms of IC (cooffering, cooperating, consaltation and teamwork) are identified, and they are classified by two dimensions ; 'the degree of formality' and 'the degree of interaction', which are factors of IC. Using network's common elements (interdependence, autonomy, diversity, exchanging resource), IC may be defined as 'a developmental process in order to achieve common purposes with professional interdependence and exchange of resources, which is working on the network of diverse and autonomous professionals'. The three model of IC (multi-, inter-, trans-model) are characterized by 'degree of collaboration', 'degree of role release' and 'hierarchy'. The advantages, defects, barriers and necessary conditions of IC are described.
- 2000-02-28
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