「チームワーク」認識に関する研究 : 自記式質問紙を用いた専門職間比較
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The new social care insurance system for the elderly has started in the year of 2000. This system emphasizes care management and teamwork approach among geriatric professionals such as nurses, social workers, care workers, and so on. However, there are little studies about teamwork approach in Japan. To implement effective teamwork, various barriers of teamwork must be overcome. The one of them is the difference of understanding of teamwork among the professional workers. The purpose of this study is to discuss the difference and to build a data base for future research on this topic. This will be a pilot study. Respondents were 209 (59 male and 150 female) professional workers in nursing homes, day service centers and so on. The data were collected using a self-report questionnaire at the Council of Social Welfare in a certain prefecture in January and February of 2000. The scale of teamwork consisted of 25 items including the understanding of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary teamwork. Homogeneity Analysis was conducted to examine the difference of the understanding of teamwork among nurses, social workers and care workers. As a result of the first and second analyses, we removed 9 items because of the low explanatory power. Then 16 items and 'occupation' were analyzed again. The result indicated that there were two main dimensions : one was a multidisciplinary dimension and the other was an inter- and trans-disciplinary dimension. It showed that there were clear differences of understanding of teamwork especially between nurses and care workers. That is, care workers might regard of teamwork as multidisciplinary, on the other hand nurses tend to regard it as inter- and trans-disciplinary. Social workers were plotted between nurses and care workers. This might suggest that these differences of understanding about teamwork would cause some conflict among professionals and interrupt effective teamwork.
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