障害者スポーツ事業の現状と課題 : 九州の障害者スポーツ事業を中心に
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In recent years, attitudes towards and changes in the welfare system have greatly affected both the actual sports that welfare recepients play and the operation of those enterprises which provide sporting opportunities for these people to participate in. Setting the purpose of sports enterprises for the disabled as being to transform sports into a "Daily Life Feature" for the handicapped, this study investigated the actual conditions and problems of sports enterprises for the disabled mainly in Kyushu. At present sports enterprises who target disabled persons are characterized by : (1) Mostly staging mass athletic meetings of a competitive nature ; (2) Paucity of autonomous enterprises taking toots locally. Henceforth, it is highly desireable that these sports enterprises transform themselves into entities concerned with the improvement of the living conditions of all the disabled. To achieve this objective, sports enterprises should not be promoting sporting opportunities merely for the disabled independently, but rather as an integral part of the overall sports activity performed in a local area. Coupling the "Sports For All" spirit permeating the sporting world until now with the present thinking regarding the normalization of social welfare, it is necessary to improve as soon as possible what has been the neglected sports environment of the handicapped to facilitate their participation in the sports life of the local community.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1999-06-30
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