地域福祉における公私関係 : 社協を中心として(シンポジウム(一)社会福祉の制度的保障と民間活動,日本社会福祉学会第三三回大会大会シンポジウム社会福祉における国・地方・民間の役割)
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The expectation to, and the dependence on the private sector are greatly increasing lately in the community welfare field. It means that the responsibility of the much of the services so far carried by the public sector need to be shifted to the private sector. "The principles of sharing responsibility" is now advocated loudly. The relation between "public" and "private" sectors should be re-examined carefully so that the merits of the private sector are properly recognized and utilized, and be activated where necessary. However, the situation in our country does not show the clear-cut distinction between "public" and "private", making the true nature of the private or voluntary welfare agencies rather vague. It is shown in the constitution of the personnel of the social welfare councils, that the councils are supposed to be the "private" welfare agencies but in the reality, they are far from it. For example, in the prefectural councils of social welfare, 68.6% of the directors are "sent" or coming from the local administration office. In the municipal councils, 61.1% of them are such persons. The "public" control through those personnel is even stronger in smaller local councils. The following points are essential to the sound developments of the private sector's role in the community welfare. (1) To improve the quality of professional activities of the community council of social welfare. (2) To introduce more of the citizen volunteers, specialists groups to the programs of the council. (3) To make the services of the council more realistic and vital one so that they can take more effective roles in social movement to pursue new welfare policies. To establish a democratic partnership between "public" and "private", so that the one-way flow of "public" personnel and the block shift of services to the private sector be checked, and the more opinions and proposals from the voluntary sector be incorporated to the public policies.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1985-11-25
- 高木和美著, 『社会福祉労働者政策-ホームヘルパーの労働・生活・健康の質を規定する社会的条件-』, 桐書房
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- 指定発言(政策・理論フォーラム:社会福祉はいのち・人権とどう向き合うのか)
- 地域福祉における公私関係 : 社協を中心として(シンポジウム(一)社会福祉の制度的保障と民間活動,日本社会福祉学会第三三回大会大会シンポジウム社会福祉における国・地方・民間の役割)
- 地域福祉計画と政策形成の視点から(第2部:分権化時代を切り拓く自治体の政策形成,政策・理論フォーラム)