わが国における家族の危機的状況と社会福祉施策 : とくに老人扶養関係をめぐって(<学会特集>危機にたつ現代家族と社会福祉の課題,日本社会福祉学会創立30周年記念特集号)
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The status of Japanese old people in the family has become unstable because the "Ie" (household) system in which they had been protected disappeared since the World War II was over. With a rapid transition from agricultural society to industrial one, young people moved and centered to cities. Nuclear families of young couples with only one or two children or of old people alone increased. The numbers of monthly-paid workers and working women also increased due to the increase of the secondary and the third industries. Apartment houses for small families unsuitable for 2 or 3 generation families have been built in cities. Salary-men's financial conditions have been made difficult despite of urban materialistic affluence partly due to the increase of educational expenses. They find it difficult to support their parents financially. Lives after retirement are not guaranteed satisfactorily because the amount of pension doesn't cover necessary living expenses. Though the Japanese people's life span has reached the world top level, it doesn't necessarily mean that the aged can expect to have satisfactory lives both emotinally and financially. They have to protect themselves by their trying to keep good health and securing financial basis. A wide variety of old people's homes is full and hospitals are too expensive for the sick old people to be accommodated for a long term because of the expenses including the pay to helpers which are not covered by the health insurance. When the aged get sick and bed-ridden, their families cannot take care of them at home. Mutual assiting system doesn't function well enough to aid the lack of home caring. The population of the aged shows steady increase. Though 70% of the aged is living with their children, caring function within the family including financial support is getting deteriorated. Public assistance and volunteer activities are greatly needed in all areas.
- 一般社団法人日本社会福祉学会の論文
- 1985-03-31