住民のエトスの形成過程としての地域福祉 : 北九州市の場合(地域住民の生活と社会福祉)
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Activities of community welfare will be supported by the community moral which consists of common value system, attitude and behavior, and satisfaction. In other words, it may be supported by common pathos, logos and ethos, these are spreaded in community. In Kitakyushu city, there are some community welfare activities developped by citizen participation. Doyo-kai which is a volunteer group, the member are interested in education, medical rehabilitation or social welfare for handicaped children. The group appealed and suggested to establish the system of medical and mental examination for all babies and early medical rehabilitation and education for all handicaped children to the city government. The Fukushi no Fudo zukuri o Susumeru kai, one of youth volunteer groups, planned a music concert, volunteer training and local survey of road, shops and other facilities in the city whether these are arranged for handicaped people user, and required to reconstruct the road and the constructions for walkers.
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