- 論文の詳細を見る
Japanese medieval ceramic was made from the end of the Heian era to the Muromachi age. It was made with the technologies of old glaze pottery and the Sueki Tradition. Kilns used to make this ceramic were located in Seto, Atsumi, Tokoname, Echizen, Tanba, Bizen, Shigaraki, and Suzu. It is usually found in archeological digs of burial sites, having been utilized as a container for human remains. Another use was as a receptacle for Buddhist holy writings that were buried (Kyouzuka) to preserve them for their intended purpose in the far distant future. These medieval people practiced a religious life of fervent Buddhism and Taoism. Medieval ceramic was not to be used for ordinary daily purposes but rather for religious purposes. Seto pottery has a glaze with a light green color; it is similar to Chinese ceramic. The meaning of patterns such as 'lotus flower' and 'autumn view' on jars from Atsumi and Suzu was "pure land". Jars from Tokoname, Echizen, and Tanba are covered with a natural glaze. The natural glaze is formed during calcining in the kiln, the vessel having been coated with wood ash. Medieval people believed the fire god created the natural glaze. Jars covered in natural glaze were symbolic of another world and pure land. Although there is an important difference between jars with patterns and those with a natural glaze, they have the same symbolic significance.
- 神奈川歯科大学の論文
- 2009-03-30
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