OS0747 ランダム負荷に対する疲労寿命の予測精度向上のための一手法(構造用材料の疲労挙動と寿命評価,オーガナイズドセッション)
- 論文の詳細を見る
This article verifies a method of predicting the fatigue life of materials under random loading. The prediction accuracy is verified by comparing predicted fatigue lives with measured ones for typical random loadings. We applied Dirlik's method to predicting the fatigue lives, because it can be used to predict fatigue life in frequency domain, i.e., fatigue life can be predicted with the power spectral density of random stress or strain by using Dirlik's method. As the result of the comparison, the predicted fatigue lives were longer than those measured. Since this difference in fatigue life between the prediction and the measurement depends on the peak-to-nns ratio of random stress or strain, a method of improving the prediction accuracy is proposed by taking advantage of the dependence. We can expect that the improved method increase the opportunities for predicting fatigue life under random loading in practical development settings.
- 2009-07-24
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- OS0747 ランダム負荷に対する疲労寿命の予測精度向上のための一手法(構造用材料の疲労挙動と寿命評価,オーガナイズドセッション)
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- 819 ゲル中ワイヤの振動疲労評価手法の検討
- 劣化環境に長時間曝露されたFRPの疲労強度