447 住宅に設置されたエアコンの冷房時の消費電力推定(省エネルギー(4))
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A new estimation method for energy consumption by air-conditioning system setting in residential house is proposed. The estimated energy consumption is valuated by comparing with the actual data obtained in the project of Architectural Institute of Japan (AIJ) and the estimated values based on the standards of Japan Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Industry Association (JRAIR). For estimating the energy consumption, a proportionality factor of "a" between outdoor temperature and cooling load was introduced. Determination of a was carefully assessed by three different ways for existing eight air-conditioners. One method is the determination from the actual power consumption of existing equipment by using the COP based on a full cooling load at nominal condition of outside temperature being 35℃ and indoor temperature being 27℃ with the wet-bulb temperature of 19℃. Another way is the determination from actual power consumptions by using the COP obtained from the full and the half cooling loads. And the last method is the determination based on the nominal COP presented in the catalogue. Moreover, two different ways of determining a were compared. One is the determination at the fixed room temperature being the nominal condition. Another is the determination by considering the actual room temperature at different outdoor temperature. Finally, among the eight air-conditioning systems, the best result is obtained in the determination of a by determining from actual power consumptions using the COP obtained from the full and the half cooling loads under the fixed room temperature condition.
- 2009-07-08
- 慶應義塾大学湘南藤沢キャンパスにおけるコージェネレーションシステムの省エネルギー性および環境性評価
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