汎神論論争とドイツ観念論の間 : ハーマンのヤコービ宛書簡に見るスピノザ主義
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Hamann is distinguished from some thinkers in his generation of "Sturm und Drang", such as Goethe and Herder. It is obvious that he was not a spinozist, indeed, Spinoza was a deadly foe for Hamann. Hamann wrote no book on Spinoza, however, he expressed his sentiment about Spinoza in his letters to Jacobi during Pantheism Controversy. They show us one of the most interesting examples of reactions against Spinozism in those days. Hamann honestly admits the difficulty of reading Spinoza's "Ethics". He challenges and challenges Spinoza and Jacobi's "Spinoza-letters", but they repel him. Spinoza's style and method in "Ethics" turndown Hamann. They are considered obvious trickeries for Hamann. Indeed we can not say that this kind of sentiment in Hamann's letters to Jacobi is "philosophical" statement, but, at the same time, it is nothing but expression of his own "philosophy". At first, for Hamann, Spinoza's philosophy is a false construction because it is a system and every system is rootless. Hamann says that everything is local and individual, and arises from "History". Secondly, the form of "Ethics" is a sign of "Purism of Reason", which is applied to the philosophy of Kant by Hamann in his "Metakritik". In this sense, Spinozism and Kantianism are both his targets. The next generation, like Schelling and Hegel, belongs to a kind of Spinozist and tries to integrate the realism of Spinoza and the idealism of Fichte. They think within the framework of <Spinoza and Fichte>. But the framework of <Spinoza and Kant> appears only in Hamann (and Maimon). It goes without saying that Jacobi was a bitter critic of Spinozism. But he formed an estimate of its charm. Spinozism as a system was typical of all philosophical systems for Jacobi. Therefore he made a strong influence on German idealists, whose model was Spinoza's system of philosophy. On the contrary, Hamann did not have any respects to Spinoza. Therefore Hamann's criticism on Spinoza had no influences. This absence of influence over German idealists is a very result of Hamann's own thought of uniqueness, and also belongs to one scene in the history of Spinozism in Germany.
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