- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study, we examined about that the official referee of Kendo has done what kind of vision search activities when they judge, by conducting the measurement experiment of eye movement in comparison with the novice. As a result, the expert has acquired the information for judging efficiently by putting a visual point from one to the other of 2 players. When judging comparatively easy striking movement, it is that experts from prediction 333ms before striking movement and they were making the visual point forestall. In the striking movement, which is thought that judgment is difficult, experts read the changes of the players by fixating the point of bamboo sword. And it is contemplated that they moved the visual point in order to check the element or requirements of effective striking movement at the moment of striking movement, From the result of this research, it was guessed that the visual search activities of the referee were to predict the kind of work and the direction of striking movement, and to use the central vision. Therefore when judging Kendo, it was proposed that to predict happening from now on, and to collect many certain and intimate information by central vision is the effective strategy.
- 奈良女子大学の論文
星野 聡子
星野 聡子
秋山 雅美
秋山 雅美
秋山 雅美
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