近代広東における先天道の興隆と東南アジア地域への展開 -潮州からタイへの伝播と適応を中心に
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Xiantian dao is a successor to the Chinese popular religious sect of Wuwei jindan dao founded in Jiangxi during the reign of Yongzheng (1722-1736), whose origin can be traced to the Luojiao formed in Ming dynasty. In the late nineteenth century, Xiantian dao spread into Qingyuan county, northern Guangdong in 1860, and its tradition called the Lingnan subsect greatly flourished in Guangdong from the reign of Guangxu till the 1930s. From Guangdong, it spread southwards to Hong Kong and Southeast Asia countries. This article aims to investigate not only the rise and development of the Lingnan subsect, but also the background of its diffusion and adaptation in Guangdong and Southeast Asia, focusing on Xiantianado's ranking system, masters' leaderships, transnational networking among disciples and social functions of vegetarian halls for women. In this article, I particularly wish to focus attention on the process of diffusion from Chaozhou area to Thailand in a century, dividing it into three periods, that is the pioneering stage, the prosperous days and the decline period. Finally I also investigate the reasons of declination of Xiantian dao in Thailand since 1980.
- 近代広東における先天道の興隆と東南アジア地域への展開 -潮州からタイへの伝播と適応を中心に
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