- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this article is to present an overview of charitable societies in Chaozhou-Shantou area as a "redemptive society", especially focusing on their relief activities and ideas of salvation. The Shantang movement arose rapidly in Chaozhou-Snantou area since the end of Qing dynasty to the republican period, when people were died en mass caused by frequent epidemics, disasters and warfare. Most shantangs started as voluntary associations to recover vast number of bones and bodies lying neglected and to bury them in the graves. The members of shantang performed the burial work according to the spirit-written messages from Master Song Dafeng, who was the most popular deity enshrined in the hall of shantang. Here I examined the relief idea of morality books written by spirit-writing, which showed that the burial works was the most important way to be saved from "the great catastrophe". I found two typical motifs of salvation, which were appeared frequently in a number of morality books at the end of Qing dynasty. One motif is salvation by Guansdi and his fellow deities, who douse Yuhuang's anger because of full spread black air produced by people's evil deed and engage to admonish people by spirit-writing. Another one is sectarian salvation by Yaochi Jinmu and three Buddhas. These two motifs are coexited and related together in the morality books of Chaozhou-Snantou area.
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