- 論文の詳細を見る
In October 2006, I gave an academic lecture on the present condition and the future of agricultural economics research in the agricultural faculty, taking into consideration the academic externality and the welfare of the agricultural economics students of future generations, and expressing gratitude to the seniors who have provided guidance and encouragement to date. This paper is based on that lecture. The purpose of this paper is to examine the academic externality in the agricultural economics of future generations, through reference to "the social governance" of the risk to the environment and food, which can also be said to be the negative legacy of the industrial-state era, based on the present condition of the agricultural economics research in the agricultural faculty. At the beginning, it was stated that we are currently in the process of converting from industrialist studies to post-industrialist studies, but unfortunately much agricultural economics research fails to present new visions and values suitable for post-industrialist studies, and that the quest for potential and possibility cannot be said to be a success. This is because of the tendencies of specialist supremacy in the period of construction/development of industrial nations, which remain deep under the double division circumstances. In the conversion to post-industrial studies, above all, an escape from the specialist supremacy of single generation thought and a sincere response to the relationship between nature and generations should be sought in agricultural economics research. To attain the goal, the promotion of collaborative creativity of the highly productive agricultural faculty is expected and required. When we look at the social governance with regard to the risk to the environment and food, which can be said to be the negative legacy of the industrial-state era, the current situation of Japanese food safety policies and WTO agreements are still introducing risk analysis systems. However, these risk analysis systems have several limitations. There, the potential of agricultural economics research, with regard to how reforms and remodeling should be carried out, was clarified. Furthermore, in order to respond to this, it was pointed out that how we collaboratively create the specialist knowledge of each of the specialist fields in the agricultural faculty is a new agricultural task. Finally, it was stated that agricultural research involving sustainability, science and the creation of participatory intermediate knowledge has actually begun, and that agricultural economics research has the potential to exercise leadership in such cross-mediatory research.
- 北海道農業経済学会の論文
- 2007-09-28
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