- 論文の詳細を見る
Based on our survey of the management structure and production and sales performance of Japan's small-and medium-scale dairy processing companies and cooperatives, cost efficiency analysis was conducted by application of a nonparametric frontier cost model using linear programming based on the Farrell measure of efficiency. Due to insufficient information provided by the dairy processing companies and cooperatives, cost efficiency analysis was conducted on only 18 dairy processing companies and cooperatives. Thus, the samples obtained were not necessarily representative for the Japanese small-and medium-scale dairy processing companies. The distribution of cost efficiency for the years 1990-1992 shows a trend for decrease in the mean of overall cost efficiency which fell from 74.9% in 1990 to 71.4% in 1992. The magnitude of size structure of processors shows that 67% are producing at increasing returns to scale while 6% face decreasing returns to scale. The present study has shown that there are wide differences in management practices among small-and medium-scale dairy companies and cooperatives having different types of management, different size of processors and different net sales. It was also shown that there is considerable scope for cost reductions. The study was also able to identify both pure cost inefficiencies and scale inefficiencies and to estimate the potential cost saving among the different types of processors.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
- 1997-03-25
佐々木 市夫
和田 大輔
山本 康貴
山本 康貴
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