BS-3-16 Efficient Virtual Currency Policy for Hybrid Peer-to-Peer File Sharing
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Peer-to-peer (P2P) computing has been one of the hottest technologies today, which is popularly in distributed file sharing. A persistent topic through the research has been that how to give an incentive policy for the free-riders (users who only get resources from others but do not share his own to others in return). In this paper we propose a virtual currency and request based mechanism for avoiding free-riders in peer-to-peer system. In our proposal, we give the details of calculating virtual currency for uploading and download in peer-to-peer system. The calculating is based on file number, file size and popular rank. Our proposal also adds user s request to mechanism for improving bandwidth waste. Our proposal will improve free-riders problem and make file sharing in Peer-to-peer system more efficiency.
- 2010-03-02
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