- 論文の詳細を見る
This study examined the relationships between apparent motion illusion of alpha movement and eye activities. Seven subjects reported motion impressions for retractability, smoothness, and dimentionality of alpha movement by applying Muller-Lyer figure. Under instructions of (a) fixating gaze to a center point of the figure, and (b) shifting gaze saccadically to each endpoint of the figure alternatively, subjects observed 15 conditions constructed by 5 angle conditions of fin part of the figure and 3 alternating rate conditions of ingoing and outgoing fin figures. Three kinds of eye activities as fixation, saccadic eye movement, and eye blink were identified. Under the condition of shifting-gaze, estimated value of the smoothness was significantly greater than that of fixating-gaze condition. Evaluations of the retractability and the dimentionality were not differentiated by the conditions of fixating-gaze and shifting-gaze. The retractability increased monotonically as the angle of fin part being acute and the dimentionality did not vary in response to any independent variables concerned. The results suggest that eye gazing alters the motion impression of smoothness in alpha movement, and motion perception may be influenced by the oculomotor controlling mechanisms.
- 信州大学の論文
- 2008-03-05
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