身体のエクリチュール : 鳥山敏子の授業論における記号論の考察
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It seems that most of the philosophical discussions of body very often regard it above all as the speaking subject in its Saussurian sense. In fact, the theory on body and language developed by Maurice Merleau-Ponty is known as the phenomenology of speech. However, his arguments have more than a little problem in analyzing the issue of others, in that he puts too much emphasis on the subjectivity of body and, by so doing, presupposes some subjective consciousness in body. It can be said that this kind of phenomenological frame of reference has influenced through Toshiharu Takeuchi on the teaching theory of Toshiko Toriyama, who attaches much importance to the body and voice that each subject produces from his/her own perspective. But on the other hand, she reveals what might be called the moment of body-writing, or writing by body itself; that is, (1) the body precedes the consciousness, and there is nothing like the "inner self" which is present to him/her self; (2) the subject recognizes the difference between his/her own voices through the others' responses to them, and so the voice arises not from the inside but from the outside of the self; (3) the difference of bodily movements cannot be positioned without any trace (in its Derridian sense) of some precedent movements. In my view, just as it should be considered that the body precedes the consciousness and the meaning can only exist in the trace of bodily movements, so it is necessary to think that curriculum and educational objectives do not precede the act of teaching, as some ideal meanings, but can only be constructed after the recognitiori of differences between bodily movements.
- 日本教育方法学会の論文
- 1998-03-31