教育方法学における「学校知」の検討 : 《わざ》からのアプローチ
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Up to this time "School Knowledge" has been confused "Educational Knowledge" as a concept of curriculum study defined by New Educational Sociology with "Knowledge transmitted at School" as a concept of educational methods. But the chief aim of this article is to define "School Knowledge" as "Knowledge transmitted at School" (a concept of educational methods) distinctly, and to examine its point at issue and how to reform it. From a standpoint of educational methods, "Knowledge transmitted at School" is defined as follows. Namely it is contents of school subject which a teacher transmits pupils through uniformed instruction by means of language, that is oral method, writing on the blackboard and a textbook. It is mode of knowledge which is inseparably related to uniformed instruction. However "Knowledge transmitted at School" is on the decline as modern public education becomes more mature. In this situation it is indispensable to reform it radically. As the point at which one's gaze is directed in order to reform it, our view of knowledge and learning must be converted. Especially it is an urgent necessity for us to convert our view of knowledge which uniformed instruction sets forth as a premise. For on the one hand "Knowledge transmitted at School" has admitted an objective knowledge and its legitimation, on the other hand it has excluded pupils' personal, tacit skill (=tacit knowing or personal knowledge). Accordingly the task of this article is to see this skill (tacit knowing) in a new light, and to research it with Tacit Knowing & Skill Theory (especially, a Hierarchical Structure of Skill) of Polanyi, M. clue to go on. Still more on this article, we research this skill through preparing a meal as content of learning concretely, depending on this Theory.
- 日本教育方法学会の論文
- 1998-03-31
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