- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to examine "Verfremdung" (defamiliarization or alienation in English) as one of "Dramaturgie" which has to use in the classroom teaching. Didaktics has learned many successful techniques and thoughts from theater theory. It has made contribution toward practices of classroom teaching. But there will be found crises in which chilidren are involved in the teacher's construction of lesson. By reason of this, we need another view of theater theory which gives the students and teachers a critical behavior. Since the ancient Greece, there have been implied two effects in the theater theory. One is empathy, another is "Verfremdung". Therefore, I will examine this problem following next three points: First, to review the theater theories in didaktics. Second, to throw light on how "Verfremdung" has been discussed in the teaching theory. Finally, to suggest how to teach in the classroom from the view point of "Verfremdung"
- 日本教育方法学会の論文
- 1999-03-31
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