B14 やり投げ初心者におけるターボジャブを用いた投げ練習がやり投げに及ぼす効果(陸上競技)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Turbo-jav is used as practice tools for a javelin thrower. The present study investigated the effects of throwing practice using the Turbo-jav on the javelin throw of beginners. Twelve university students participated in 30-minute throwing practice sessions once a week for four weeks, throwing a bamboo javelin, the Turbo-jav and a handball prior to a period of throwing practice using only the Turbo-jav. Throwing distance was measured for each of the objects, and throwing action was recorded using two high-speed video cameras. After the four-week practice period, the subjects' throwing distance was measured for each of the three throwing objects.. The throwing release condition and the positions of various parts of the body during throwing were calculated using the 3-dimensional DLT method..The results revealed that throwing practice using the Turbo-jav was effective for increasing initial velocity at release as well as increasing the movement of the throwing arm; however, the elbow was brought when throwing it..Using the Turbo-jav to practice throwing resulted in students mastering movements peculiar to Turbo-jav throwing. Thus, coaches and javelin throwers should be aware of the specific effects of throwing practice using the Turbo-jav.
- 2008-11-05
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