A38 スピード水着レーザーレーサーの科学 : 抵抗軽減による世界新記録予想と北京五輪記録との比較(ウォータースポーツ)
- 論文の詳細を見る
25 world records were born in the swimming races of the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing. The swimmer's wear rate of Lazer Racer, a drag reduction swim suit, among the gold medalists was 94%. The effectiveness of the swimsuit was quite apparent The reason of the drag reduction was to reduce the surface viscous friction drag and to reduce the projection cross-sectional area due to its compression effectiveness. Before Beijing Olympic started, expecting new records by these gold medalists with LZR Racer were calculated by dividing a race into two phases, a start & turn phase and a steady propulsive phase, on the assumption that theses gold medalists had the same swimming techniques of the previous world record holders. Although the drag reduction rate used in this calculation was modified according to one of the manufacturer announcement, each expecting new records was an approximate value of the new world records in Beijing Olympics. It was found that the speed increase effect by the swimsuit
- 2008-11-05
- A38 スピード水着レーザーレーサーの科学 : 抵抗軽減による世界新記録予想と北京五輪記録との比較(ウォータースポーツ)
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