- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper deals with the energy absorption capability of buffer equipments used for marine structures such as piers of a long-spanned bridge in a ship collision. At the outset the force-displacement characteristics were investigated experimentally on structure elements of circular or hexagonal cross-section which were used as parts of the buffer equipments. The circular or hexagonal cross-section elements were shown to possess force-displacement curves changing in a smoothly increasing or decreasing manner, respectively. The both curves for those elements illustrate approximately rectangular force-displacement characteristics so that the absorbed energy can take on a great value until the reaction force reaches a specific load that may be encountered in a ship collision. Next, a new buffer equipment composed of the circular-section elements was devised for use as a protective structure in ship collision with a circular bridge-pier. The new device was found to have the advantage of greater energy-absorption capability and less variation of its force-displacement curve with the position of a striking bow, compared with a conventional buffer equipment which is cruiformly composed of thin steel plates. For practical design purposes, the procedure due to a simple rigid-plastic analysis was presented in an attempt to estimate order of magnitude related to the energy absorption capability.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1994-03-30
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