- 論文の詳細を見る
The present paper deals with the strength of shells, which are concerned with ship collision problems. They include spherical shell segments subjected to a point load at the apex, centrally-loaded tubular pipes fixed at the ends, and cantilever stiffened cylindrical shells with a transverse end load. The spherical shell segments represent LNG cargo tanks and the present investigation was performed to study the deflection behavior of the shell penetrated by a ramming ship bow. Although bifurcation into asymmetric deformation patterns occurred in the tested models, the deflection behavior was in good agreement with the results obtained by means of axisymmetric finite elements. It is also demonstrated that a simple plastic analysis is useful for predicting the deflection behavior of the steel models. The tests on tubular pipes were carried out primarily to investigate the amount of local energy absorption in tubular members of offshore structures, which is related to the residual strength in damaged conditions. The amount of energy was compared with the impact energy specified by DnV rule for mobile offshore units. The buckling problem of cantilever stiffened cylindrical shells subjected to a transverse load is related to the total collapse strength of footing-type of buoyancy elements against ship collisions. The experimental results were considerably smaller than the calculations which were performed by using the finite element program of cylindrical shells having no imperfections. It is noted that initial imperfections reduce considerably the collapse strength of the present shells, as for the well-known case of axially-compressed cylinder. DnV code provides a reasonable estimate of the collapse strength.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1987-07-30
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