Discrete Ordinates-Numerical Integration Method for Bulk Shielding Calculation(Collected Papers Published by Staff of Ship Research Institute at societies and Institutions in 1967)
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The adaptability of the discrete ordinates-numerical integration method to bulk shielding calculations is discussed from the view points of the angular distribution and the spatial attenuation of radiations. These are essential in the deep penetration phenomena and/or in high source energy problems in particular. In chapter 2, two ways of calculating the scattering integral of the Boltzmann equation with discrete ordinates method are examined. In chapter 3, three procedures for computing spatial distributions of radiations by means of numerical integration are compared for an idealized transport problem. As the result of these studies a series of the procedures which adopt the direct spatial integration of the transport equation are introduced. The first procedure, EOS, treats the scattering integral by the Gaussian quadrature with the help of the Legendre polynomial expansion. While, the second, SELENE or MENE, uses a straightforward mechanical quadrature. Several sample calculations are illustrated by applying these procedures and the results are compared with those measured ore with values from other well established analytical methods. Affirmative answers are obtained in aspects of absolute intensity of attenuation, angular distribution and energy spectrum.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1968-03-30
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- Discrete Ordinates-Numerical Integration Method for Bulk Shielding Calculation(Collected Papers Published by Staff of Ship Research Institute at societies and Institutions in 1967)
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