球対称形状におけるガンマ線輸送方程式の直接積分コード06 NIOBE-Gについて
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A series of codes, 06 NIOBE-G, has been written for the NEAC 2206 computer for the numerical integration of the time independent photon transport equations in spherically symmetric geometries. The original NIOBE was prepared for the IBM 704 and later for the IBM 7090. At present there are two versions of the 06 NIOBE, i. e. the 06 NIOBE-G1 and the 06 NIOBE-G2. The G1 code is almost identical with the original NIOBE in general view of its mathematical treatments. The G2 has then been introduced with a view to decreasing some of errors in solutions ascribed to the procedure of spatial integrations in the NIOBE which have been found as one of the results of test calculations of the G1 code. In the procedure of spatial integrations of the transport equations the G2 code applies the Lagrange interpolation formula not only to estimating angular distributions but also to radial interpolation. This has brought on two main improvements; First, it gives fairly close approximations to exact solutions of test calculations in the cases where the G1 code shows remarkable deviations. Second, it shows a decrease of 30 per cent of a computation time for one iteration against one of the G1 code. Excepting differences between two versions of the code mentioned above, for the most part the results of test calculations with these codes agree well with exact solutions within approvable error. The concept of the NIOBE approximating angular distribution of fluxes with finite terms of the Legendre polynomials, however, occasionally leads to difficulties in treating problems in which the flux varies steeply in magnitude with directional angle.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 1966-03-23
- 水,コンクリート,鉄及び鉛に対する制動放射及び消滅放射線を考慮した場合のガンマ線の吸収線量及び線量当量再生係数(東海支所,所外発表論文等概要)
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- 37. 二次元放射線輸送計算プログラムPALLAS-2DCY-FC(船舶技術研究所で開発された電子計算機プログラムの概要-第5集-)
- 36. 一次元放射線輸送計算プログラムPALLAS-PL, SP-Br(船舶技術研究所で開発された電子計算機プログラムの概要-第5集-)
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- 23.コード変換プログラム : NEAC-2203〜2206 Interpreter
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- 球対称形状におけるガンマ線輸送方程式の直接積分コード06 NIOBE-Gについて
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- 26.γ線後方散乱における表面鉛層の効果
- 24.γ線の斜入射ビルドアップ係数のフィッティングについて(第1報)
- 20.放射線の透過散乱問題における応答マトリックス法
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