東アジア物流の現状と国際海上輸送に関するデータベース開発(第1章 東アジアの物流,<特集>物流)
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East Asian economic growth, especially a rising of Chinese economy as a world's factory, is increasing international freight flows and international movements of trucks, vessels and airplanes etc. Policy makers and international logistics companies need to develop suitable transport infrastructures and to establish efficient logistics networks. A Database for the International freight flows is very useful for the planning of transportation infrastructures and those company's strategies. The Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT) has developed a database for the international freight flows, however there is not a database for East Asia because of a lack of the organization like EUROSTAT that manage comprehensive statistical system. The authors introduce an estimation method for the international freight flows in East Asia. In the estimation method, trade statistics are used as source data and container freight flows in the twenty-foot equivalent unit (TEU) are estimated. In order to clarify the accuracy of the estimation method, this paper describes the characteristic of the existing freight flow statistics in Japan and Korea, and compares those existing statistics with the result of estimation. From the relation between the existing statistics and estimation results, the authors show that the accuracy of the estimation results have enough precision to utilize for several planning.
- 独立行政法人 海上技術安全研究所の論文
- 2008-03-29