3114 イオンビーム照射による炭化物由来カーボン層の形成に関する基礎研究(S40-3 第14回卒業研究コンテスト(3),21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Carbide-derived carbon (CDC) is expected to replace carbon films made by plasma-assisted method. For, if CDC were used on surface of the tools, longevity of tools would be long. Because the adhesion between the CDC film and the substrate is strong. But in CDC process, Chlorine gas is used, and it is dangerous in the industrial fields. So we tried to make CDC by ion bombardment. We conducted ion bombardment on sintered SiC substrates, and analyzed the specimens by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) and Raman Spectroscopy. As a result, it is clarified that carbon concentration on surface was increased by ion bombardment. And it is the peaks that indicates C-C bond's exist in bombarded specimens was observed. Therefore, we thought that possibility of making CDC with ion bombardment was indicated in this research.
- 2008-08-02
- 3114 イオンビーム照射による炭化物由来カーボン層の形成に関する基礎研究(S40-3 第14回卒業研究コンテスト(3),21世紀地球環境革命の機械工学:人・マイクロナノ・エネルギー・環境)
- 514 イオンビームミキシング法によるCN_x膜の高硬度化(OS7-3 最先端および環境対応加工技術3,OS7 最先端および環境対応加工技術)
- 2106 CNx膜硬さに及ぼす成膜時基板冷却の影響(物性・試験評価法,一般講演)