スンバで家を建てること : インドネシアとの文化的交流を深めるためのプロジェクト報告(1)
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The purpose of this paper is to report the activities of the "Rebuilding Ancestral Houses Project" that we carried out in the ancestral village of Wunga (Parai Wunga) on the island of Sumba, Indonesia. This is the first half of the full report that depicts the cultural and social background of the ancestral houses (uma marapu) and reports progress in the rebuilding of Uma Makatemba (the House of Collection) in Wunga. The project was formed jointly by Momoyama Gakuin University, the National Museum of Ethnology and Takenaka Carpentry Tools Museum. Also, this is a part of "the Project for Developing Cultural Cooperation between Japan and Indonesia" funded by the Research Institute of Momoyama Gakuin University. The main aim of the project is to help the villagers rebuild Uma Ratu (the Priest's House) which is the most sacred and dignified house in Wunga. It is necessary to support them because they are so impoverished that they cannot rebuild it by themselves. Also, we are convinced that the necessary skill and knowledge for building it will vanish unless we start the project immediately. In March, 2008 they began to restore Uma Makatemba, the venue for the meeting that precedes work on Uma Ratu. Thereafter they suddenly stopped their preparations for rebuilding Uma Ratu because of some obstacles they had encountered such as the death of two elders in Wunga. After hearing our request, instead of Uma Ratu they decided to rebuild four ancestral houses in October, 2008, allowing our staff to film the procedures to make ethnographic documentaries. Throughout our program we faced two problems, which may arise in most aid projects. First, it was difficult to attain our main objective while taking the local requirements into account. Second, the funding we provide may cause troubles among the local society we would like to support. To avoid creating such problems, we should demand transparency of accounting from the donee side.
- 2010-06-30
- スンバで家を建てること : インドネシアとの文化的交流を深めるためのプロジェクト報告(1)
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