- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this paper is to explore the relationship between globalization and culture by focusing on the international distribution of the Indian cinema. Nowadays globalization is discussed in various ways. I take it as a basic premise of my argument that globalization has complex impacts on nations and local societies in the world and these operate in a contradictory fashion. While it leads to the process of homogenization and the formation of a 'global village,' the opposing tendencies towards differentiation and segmentation are proceeding now. This paper deals with three points: globalization which is conceived in the Indian movies, the global distribution of Indian cinema, and the way of discussing Indian cinema and globalization. The international market of cinema is not dominated solely by American cinema, but Indian movies have a certain share in the world. I conclude that globalization has brought us more diversified cultural products we can consume and enjoy, among which the Indian movies play a significant role in the cinema world.
- 桃山学院大学の論文
- 2001-07-10
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