日本における仮想空間「セカンドライフ」の利用実態 : 2つのSIMを事例に
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In this paper, the author examines interaction of users and self-organizing process of their communities in a virtual space "Second Life". Hakata SIM and Niseko SIM were focused as case studies. The major findings are as follows. Most users of the SIMs don't live in the city, which is reproduced in the SIMs, in real space. They dwell or visit some SIMs with interest in a brand of the city and pleasure in the SIM. The users who enjoy virtual life actively play roles of hubs in the social network, and they enhance the value of the SIM through creation of image or music, programming, virtual performance of song or dance. Then, owners facilitate or coordinate skills, know-how and social network the users have, and actualize many virtual events in the SIMs. But the events are held only in the SIMs and the SIMs oriented collaborations in real space are not observed. In Niseko SIM, the owner plays an important role in creation of landscape and social norm. And many users of Niseko SIM can enjoy their virtual life comfortably in the milieu the owner directs. Through comparison of users of the two SIMs and American users, characteristics in use of Second Life by Japanese were found. First, Japanese communities are isolated from global communities in Second Life. Second, American users often produce new business in real space from experimental creation in Second Life on one hand, Japanese users enjoy creation as a pleasure only in Second Life on the other hand. Third, most Japanese users enjoy experiences given by the owner, so the owner play an important role in creation of landscape, social norm and pleasure for users.
- 2010-04-28
- 日本における仮想空間「セカンドライフ」の利用実態 : 2つのSIMを事例に
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