Group Competition and Personality in an Experimental Public Goods Game
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This paper introduces a variation of the public goods game where four groups compete to win prizes. It uses experiments to consider behavioral and personality aspects, enablingus to treat a new field. As for the behavioral aspect, it emerges that intra- and inter-group awareness is effective in promotingcooperation. In addition, cooperative actions are observed in a cooperative rather than uncooperative atmosphere. As for the personality aspect, the game is examined from four standpoints, namely, preference for competition, preference for risk, passion for profit, and trust in others.
- 一橋大学の論文
荒井 一博
藤原 彦次郎
Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
荒井 一博
Graduate School of Economics, Hitotsubashi University
藤原 彦次郎
Graduate School Of Economics Hitotsubashi University
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