内地時代の時永浦三 : 朝鮮総督府出身官僚の内地行政官としての経歴をめぐって
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TOKINAGA Urazo, an executive bureaucrat of Government-General of Korea, was appointed as Director of Home Office of Ohita Prefecture in October 1922. TOKINAGA was famous for his research on the Korean and the Irish Independence Movement. He traveled in the United States and Europe including Britain where the Irish Immigrants fought for their country's freedom. His main interest was how Japanese officials could rule Koreans who were not satisfied with the Japanese colonial rule. At that time, the Japanese government tried to share the way of governance both in Inland and the colonies through personnel exchanges between the Home Office and the Government-General of Korea. Several distinctive Home Office's bureaucrats were appointed as the executive staffs in Korea, but the bureaucrats of Government-General of Korea rarely had appointments in Inland Japan as administrative staffs. TOKINAGA's case was the rare one. In this paper, we try to show its meaning through TOKINAGA's career and to clarify the personnel relationship between Inland Japan and Colonial Korea.
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