海流潮流の日変化成分の脈動周期 : 沿岸海洋波の生成理論(その32)
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The well-known period of Saros tells us that the difference of 223 months 6585.32134 days and 18 years is 10.96183 days. The weather circulates around the earth with the period of 29.53058 days. So that these fraction of phase of 115.68492 degrees or 9.33611 days shows that we can predict the abnormal height of sea level before about 10 days by continuously checking the daily data of meteorology and oceanography. From the result analysis of latitude variation, periods of 9.02253-9.53693 days are found. The wave potential is expressed globally as follows: φ=φ_0cosh kz cosσt・P^m_n(cosθ)cosmψ, where P^m_n is zonal harmonic function, and (a+z,θ,ψ) is spherical co-ordinates. a is radius of earth and 2π/k is wave length and 2π/σ is wave period, k^2=n(n+1)/a^2, from the pattern of Nothern semi-sphere upper weather Chart of 500mb. (about 5,000m height above sea level)
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 1979-08-20
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