P-12 空間の照明認識によって決まる明度(ポスター発表,第41回全国大会要旨集)
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This research aims to investigate the effect of aperture size on perceive lightness in different illumination space. Two rooms were constructed to obtain different illumination space. The wall between the rooms has a window through which the subject can see the test room. Two patterns test patches were used. The shapes of these patterns make subject to perceived the test patch in different position. The masks are made for controlling the open area that subject can see some part of the test room. Subject judged lightness of test patches in percentage of whiteness and blackness. The experiment was conducted under 2 condition subjects room is brighter than the test room and vie versa. The results showed that when subjects were limited to see only one space, the perceived lightness of both test patches pattern is not different. Whenever the subject saw even the small area of the next room around the test patch, the perceived lightness of test patches are different. These can be explained by the concept of the recognized visual space of illumination (RVSI).
- 2010-05-01
池田 光男
Chulalongkorn University
小浜 朋子
Chulalongkorn University
池田 光男
池田 光男
Smitthikunanon Sinorose
Chulalongkorn University
Pungrassamee Pontawee
Chulalongkorn University
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