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In this paper miniatures in an early Gothic Psalter manuscript preserved in the Trinity College of Cambridge University (Cambridge University, Trinity College, MS.B.11.4), whose production date is suggested to be 1220-30, are discussed. This Psalter contains a set of illustration and illumination typically found in Psalter manuscripts produced in the thirteenth-century England. This paper pays special attention to the Old Teatament miniature cycle beginning with the Genesis scene; Melchizedek offered bread and wine to Abraham. The lack of the Creation scenes in this manuscript suggests that the first portion of the Genesis cycle is lost in the course of nearly eight hundred years. The Abraham scenes are followed by Isaac scenes, Jacob scenes and detailed Joseph scenes, ending with Jacob blessing Ephraim and Manasseh. In this paper, some corrections are made to the iconographical identifications of some of these Genesis scenes. All the Old Testament scenes are depicted in small square pictorial frames that divide each miniature page into six compartments. This is a rather rare format among contemporary manuscripts, whose exceptionally similar example is found in the so-called Great Canterbury Psalter (Paris, Bibl, Nat., Cod. Lat. 8846),which was produced in the late twelfth century. The main theme of the second chapter of this paper is comparisons of the Old Testament scenes in the Trinity College Psalter with those in the so-called Munich Psalter (Munchen, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, MS.Clm.835). The latter manu-script has rarely been focused attention except by the Ph.D. dissertation by H. B. Graham published from Princeton University. The Munich Psalter is also an early Gothic English manuscript produced a little earlier than the Trinity College Psalter and it contains one of the most extensive pictorial cycles based on the Old Testament. Although the format of the fully illustrated pages of this Psalter is different from that of the Trinity College Psalter, close examinations of the components of the pictorial cycles in these two manuscripts, the sequence of the scenes and the pictorial type of the corresponding scenes reveal a model-copy relationship between the Munich Psalter and the Trinity College Psalter.
- 2009-03-30
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