- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to make adrenal venous sampling successful, it is necessary to know about the anatomical structures and variations of adrenal veins. In the left adrenal venous sampling, it is needed to be cautious of inflow of inferior phrenic vein. In the case with gastrorenal shunting, it should be recognized a possibility of the adrenal venous blood being diluted by portal vein. In the right adrenal venous sampling, it is necessary to keep in mind the possibility of anastomoses with the hepatic venous system or the portal venous system. Because of some difficulties in catheterization of right adrenal veins, we used CT images to analyze the anatomical structure of right adrenal veins. The main trunks of right adrenal veins were clearly visible approximately 96% on CT. The openings of right adrenal veins to IVC were less than 5 mm from the right side edge of IVC. These informations from CT are useful for improvement of the success rate of right adrenal venous sampling.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
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