放射線科医のテクニカルアドバイス その1(第3回副腎静脈サンプリング研究会プロシーディングス)
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Adrenal venous sampling failures can be classified into- three types : (1) a case in which the adrenal vein cannot be located, (2) a case in which a blood sample cannot be taken despite a successful catheterization, (3) a case in which blood from another vein is mistakenly drawn or is mixed in with blood from the target vein. If the right adrenal vein cannot be located, it is essential that the area be thoroughly investigated once more using CT as a reference if available. One should take due note of veins that open into the accessory hepatic vein and veins that open into the interior vena cava near the accessory hepatic vein. Problems arising during the collection of blood samples can be handled by adjusting the angle of the catheter, by using a differently shaped catheter, by employing a microcatheter, or by creating a hole on a side of the catheter. When taking right adrenal blood samples, one should be aware of similarly shaped accessory hepatic veins. If the left adrenal vein cannot be located, a left renal venography should be performed. When taking a blood sample from the left adrenal vein, one should avoid taking blood mixed from the left inferior phrenic vein as much as possible.
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