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Recently growth hormone (GH) replacement by self-injection for short stature of Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) has come into widespread use. It's important to maintain compliance over a long period. But it was expected psychological problems may occur in long term self-injection of children with PWS because of mental retardation, obsessive-compulsive disorder or other maladaptive features. The GH replacement began for a 8-year-old boy with PWS, and the opportunity was taken to study self-injection at home. The patient was cooperative with injections for the first month. However, beginning in the second month the patient protested against the pain and his reluctance to taking the injections increased. Doubts arose over the possibility of continuing the treatment. A review of the self-injection at home was done focusing on the attitudes of the parents and child toward the treatment. The methods for encouraging the child, reducing the pain, and organization of injection equipment were devised and introduced into the home. Consequently, the patient understood the necessity for medical treatment, developed a positive attitude to the injection and from there the injections became much easier. Several physical improvements from GH replacement, such as increased height, better body composition, and control of obesity, also influenced the positive attitude.
- 東京女子医科大学の論文
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