PE-466 Prognosis of Patients with Cardiac Arrest due to Variant Angina Pectoris and the Usefulness of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)(PE078,Angina Pectoris (Clinical) (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Ja
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人日本循環器学会の論文
- 2009-03-01
小松 宣夫
小松 宣夫
Niitsuma Takeo
Cardiovascular Center, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohla General Hospital Foundation
Endo Noriko
Cardiovascular Center, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Takeda Hiroto
Cardiovascular Center, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Endoh Noriko
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Endo Noriko
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Takeda Hiroto
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Niitsuma Takeo
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Shiraiwa Osamu
Cardiovascular Institute
Isihda Goro
Cardiovascular Center, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital, Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Komatsu Nobuo
Cardiovascular Center, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital, Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Kanazawa Kouko
Cardiovascular Center, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital, Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Isihda Goro
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Komatsu Nobuo
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Komatsu Nobuo
Cardiology Iwaki Kyoritsu General Hospital
Shiraiwa Osamu
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Kanazawa Kouko
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Komatsu Nobuo
Cardiovascular Center Ohta Nshino-uchi Hospital Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Takeda Hiroto
Cardiovascular Center, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital, Ohta General Hospital Foundation
Niitsuma Takeo
Cardiovascular Center, Ohta Nishinouchi Hospital, Ohta General Hospital Foundation
- 0061 慢性心不全における嫌気性代謝闘値上と闘値下での骨格筋血管拡張反応
- 0060 安静時MIBG画像における心・縦隔比と運動負荷時血行動態との関連
- 致死的合併症を伴う冠攣縮性狭心症を同時期に発症した一卵性双生児の1例
- 69)急性心筋梗塞を合併した感染性心内膜炎の一例(第141回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 39)一般人によるAED使用で救命された肥大型心筋症の一例(第141回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 25)冠静脈洞内憩室からの通電で副伝導路離断に成功したWPW症候群の1例(第141回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 下大静脈フィルター留置後, ワーファリン療法を自己中断し, 奇異性多発性動脈血栓塞栓症を発症した一例(第140回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 右心房原発が疑われた心臓肉腫の一例(第140回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 36) 左右冠動脈遠位部に血栓性閉塞をきたした胃癌患者の一例(第137回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 33) 冠攣縮による急性心筋梗塞を合併したCrow-Fukase症候群の一例(第137回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 当院における急性心筋梗塞患者に対する再灌流療法後の angiographic no-reflow 現象の検討
- 左主幹部塞栓により発症した急性心筋梗塞の1例(第136回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 心房内血栓が原因と考えられた急性心筋梗塞の一例(日本循環器学会東北地方会第135回学術集会)
- 一過性側副血行の出現により自覚症状及び心電図変化を認めなかった冠攣縮性狭心症の1例(日本循環器学会東北地方会第135回学術集会)
- 53) 当院におけるAMI患者に対する再灌流療法後のno-reflow(slow flow)現象の検討
- 51) Rescue Catheterによる血栓吸引が有効であった腎梗塞の一例
- 10) 胃全摘手術直後にAMIを発症し,冠動脈内血栓吸引術のみで再灌流療法を施行した一例
- 17) ステント留置後に生じた冠動脈内血腫をIVUSにて診断し, その処理にステントの追加が有効であった一例(日本循環器学会 第132回東北地方会)
- 51) 再塞栓予防に一時的下大静脈フィルターが有効であった重症肺動脈血栓塞栓症の一例(日本循環器学会 第131回東北地方会)
- 50) 当院における"たこつぼ型心筋症"の経験 : Flow wireによる検討
- 再灌流療法を受けた急性心筋梗塞患者において血清エリスロポエチン濃度が高いと梗塞サイズは小さくなる
- 14) 前壁心筋梗塞急性期における内因性エリスロポエチン濃度の意義(第138回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 18)急性心筋梗塞の急性期マーカー,ビリルビン,ビオピリンの変化とその臓器局在(第142回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 2) 繰り返す持続性心室頻拍に対してアミオダロンとカルベジロールの併用が有効であった陳旧性心筋梗塞の一例
- 57) 心臓MRIにて左室緻密化障害が疑われた一例(第145回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 40) Extended superior septal approachでの僧帽弁置換術後の難治性心房頻拍に対しablationを施行した1例(第145回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 73)心臓カテーテル検査にて発見された左房粘液腫の1例(第143回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 19)By stander CPRにて救命しえたAMI患者の1例(第143回日本循環器学会東北地方会)
- 43) 著明な心嚢液貯留を呈した心臓原発血管肉腫の一例
- 26)アセチルコリンによる心外膜動脈びまん性血管収縮反応と微小循環機能との関係
- 25)心肥大の程度と冠抵抗血管の拡張機能障害の関連性
- 0083 低濃度セロトニンの冠微小循環に及ぼす作用
- 10)心筋梗塞症例における年齢別冠血管攣縮性
- 9) 短期間に器質的狭窄を生じた難治性冠攣縮性狭心症の一例
- 45) 治療抵抗性の無症候性冠攣縮狭心症の1例
- 28) Double stent(P-S, Wiktor)植え込み時の側枝閉塞にPTCAを施行した一例
- CAGで証明しえたAVR術後急性期の冠動脈スパスムの1例(日本循環器学会 第140回関東甲信越地方会)
- 冠動脈上正常な部分の冠動脈内エコー所見(日本循環器学会 第104回東北地方会)
- エルゴノビン誘発冠攀縮に対する冠拡張剤の効果(日本循環器学会 第103回東北地方会)
- 冠動脈疾患に対するIntervention (自信を持って勧められる我が科の最新医療技術)
- 0528 慢性心不全における定量運動負荷時の心拍出量増加反応と心収縮機能、拡張機能との関係
- OJ-295 Endogenous Erythropoietin May Protect Myocardium in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Subjected to Successful Percutaneous Coronary Intervention(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Pathophysiology) 5 (IHD) : OJ35)(Oral Presentation (Japa
- SIV-4 定量運動量負荷時の呼吸循環動態解析 : 慢性心不全における酸素摂取量増加反応遅延の規定因子
- P706 慢性心不全における運動負荷時肺循環動態と換気反応
- Initial and Chronic Results of Balloonless Coronary Angioplasty (DREAM : Debulking Followed by Radius Excluding Balloon Angioplasty Method)
- PE-459 Analysis of Exercised Electrocardiogram in Diabetic Outpatients(Diabetes/Obesity 4 (H) : PE78)(Poster Session (English))
- OJ-360 The relationships between coexisting inflammation and no/slow-flow phenomenon during directional coronary atherectomy(Coronary Revascularization, PTCA/Stent/DCA/Rotablator/New Device 10 (IHD) : OJ44)(Oral Presentation (Japanese))
- Serum Bilirubin and Plasma Biopyrrins Elevates in the Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction underwent Perfusion Therapy (Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Diagnosis/Treatment) 10 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulati
- Endogenous Erythropoietin May Improve the Cardiac Function after Acute Myocardial Infarction through the Cardioprotective Mechanism(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Pathophysiology) 2 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circula
- PE-410 Elevation of Urinary Biopyrrins, End-products of Heme Oxygenase-1 Pathway, Negatively Correlates with the Incidence of Restenosis After Percutaneous Coronary Angioplasty(Restenosis after Angioplasty, Basic/Clinical 5 (IHD) : PE70)(Poster Session (E
- Urinary Biopyrrin, an End-Product of Heme Degradation Pathway, as a Novel Clinical Marker in the Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Angiographic No-Reflow or Slow Flow Phenomenon in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction after Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Intervention
- Increased plasma erythropoietin in patients with acute myocardial infarction
- PE-079 Relationship of Pro-inflammatory Stress and Anti-inflammatory Response in the Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction(Acute Myocardial Infarction, Clinical (Pathophysiology) 4 (IHD) : PE14)(Poster Session (English))
- Intracoronary IL-6 increase Accelerates Thrombus Formation after Coronary Intervention(Coronary Revascularization, PTCA/Stent/DCA/Rotablator/New Device 14 (IHD), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Situation of sudden cardiac death, and electrocardiographic findings in life time
- PJ-529 Actual Impact of Drug-eluting Stent for Medical Costs(Cost-health care system (H) PJ89,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-209 QT/RR Relationship as the Predictor of Implantable Carioverter Defibrillator Shock. (Arrhythmia,diagnosis/Pathophysiology/EPS(13)(A),Poster Session(Japanese),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-535 Vasopressive Effect of Polymyxin-B Immobilized Fiber-direct Hemoperfusion (PMX-DHP) in Treatment of Patients with Fulminant Myocarditis(Myocarditis, basic/clinical-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PJ-369 Could Automated External Defibrillator Used by Emergency Medical Technicians on Ambulance Car improve resuscitation?(Emergency care-3, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-011 QT/RR Relationship in Patients Implanted Implantable Cadioverter Defibrillators(Arrhythmia, diagnosis/pathophysiology/EPS-03, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-091 Examination of Coexisting Inflammation in Positively Remodeled Coronary Lesion and the Effectiveness for Reducing Restenosis of Sirolimus Eluting Stent(Coronary revascularization, PCI-10 (IHD) PE16,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annu
- PE-466 Prognosis of Patients with Cardiac Arrest due to Variant Angina Pectoris and the Usefulness of Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD)(PE078,Angina Pectoris (Clinical) (IHD),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Ja
- PJ-267 The Effectiveness for Reducing Restenosis of Sirolimus Eluting Stent in Positively Remodeled Coronary Artery Lesion(Restenosis basic/clinical-4, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Injury to the Tricuspid Valve and Membranous Atrioventricular Septum Caused by Huge Calcified Right Ventricular Myxoma : Report of a Case
- Comparison of IVUS Findings between Self-Expanding Stents and Balloon-Expandable Stents after Directional Coronary Atherectomy
- 1190 Changes in microvascular response in asymptomatic subjects with exercise-induced ST-depression
- 0634 Inpairment of endothelium dependent and independent microvascular dilator capacity in subjects with coronary risk factors
- 0178 Coronary Pressure-Flow Relationships in Canine Model with Paceng-induced Heart Failure
- 0678 Afterload dependency of the effect of intra-aortic balloon pumping in dogs with coronary artery stenosis
- ICD作動の予測因子としてのQT/RR関係
- A Case of LA-RA Dissociation with Atrial Tachycardia after Surgical Extirpation of Myxoma
- Circadian Variation of the Incidence of Time-Domain T-Wave Alternans and Sinus Cycle Length at TWA in Patient with Implantable Cardiovereter Defibrillator